How can I strengthen the self-confidence of others?

How can I strengthen the self-confidence of others?

My last blog was about how to strengthen your own self-confidence. When we strengthen our own, it has a ripple effect on others as well. We trust ourselves, are mentally free and make decisions with clarity. We are authentic and binding at the same time. This creates compassion and motivates not only ourselves but also others. If we are parents or superiors, in both cases we are leading a system, a team of people, which is dependent on our interaction with them. In the case of children even dependent, because they do not have the freedom, like an employee, to simply leave.

Let us dive into the four pillars of self-consciousness and how we can use them this time to strengthen the self-consciousness of other people in our environment.

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What emotions - in times of quarantine - arise in the family?

What emotions - in times of quarantine - arise in the family?

I receive many letters in which you describe the ups and downs you are going through during the time of the quarantine. One day things are going well and one can take a positive view of the situation, the next day the sensations suddenly turn upside down, emotions boil over and conflicts arise, within oneself and among each other.

Why are these fluctuations? We have little control over the situation right now and we always try to take the control we can. At this time it is difficult, because we are led by experts and politicians. Our parts, such as solidarity, reason, intellect, make it easier to deal with it, again our scepticism, understanding, question things. This inner process of weighing up is important, but in extreme situations like this, it costs a lot of energy.

What do we have influence on at the moment and can we gain some control?

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